Seneca Tank's 2024 Dependability Award

Congrats to Griff! A true leader in follow through!

Griffin Allsup is a trailblazer in dependability. As Supply Chain Coordinator, Griff is responsible for production planning, inventory maintenance, purchasing, and research needs. Since starting in 2021, reliability and efficiency have been the name of the game for Griff. Even if his team experiences unforeseen setbacks to production, Griff can be relied upon to deliver dependable results to customers. He communicates in a transparent way, letting customers know how the issue will be resolved and setting clear expectations for delivery dates.

Griff's “Do What You Say You Will Do,” mentality has set the pace for Seneca Tank employees from the time he was a Production Department “team of one” to now, as a leader in a group of production support employees. As a co-worker said, “If Griff says he will do something, it gets done, period.” It’s Griff's commitment to consistency that’s earned him the 2024 Dependability Award. Congratulations, Griff!